NEWS intern

The ground floor walls are finished! Now we continue with the ceiling and wall work on the upper floor

The roof logo is mounted, but unfortunately not clearly visible from the street

The walls of the workshop are insulated and the first walls are already standing on the upper floor

The first staircase is in place, the upper floor is now accessible

The letters for the roof logo are there and can be mounted

New material for floors and walls is delivered

The scaffolding is in place

Now the construction of the office and workshop spaces begins – the scaffolding is being erected

The industrial floor coating from Schneider Bodenbeschichtungen GmbH is finished

Work on the new workshop floor begins

The heating is being installed.

The light strip is being installed.

The door is in – we can now lock the hall.

The roller shutters are being installed.

The window sills are installed.

The first windows are installed.

The roof is finished!

The roof construction is finally starting!

Safety nets for the planned roof construction are stretched to prevent falls from great heights

The scaffolder comes to erect the scaffolding

The door and window frames are set

All walls are standing

For the remaining wall sections we need crane support

The 3rd Wall is being built

The 2nd wall is being built

Further frameworks are set

The preparations for the roof window frame are complete (and we have beautiful pictures of the construction in the moonlight)

The first back wall is

Gate, door and window frames are set

Preparations for roof windows

Additional side cross members were mounted

The roof racks are mounted

Preparation for roof and wall cladding: After the scaffolding is erected, brackets and fastening points for the roof and wall cladding are installed.

The main beams that carry the load of the hall are erected and connected to each other. This is often done with the help of cranes. Cross beams are installed between the main beams to stabilize the structure and distribute the load evenly.

The construction of the hall framework begins: the steel beams are anchored on the prepared foundations to ensure a stable base.

The base plate has dried and construction work is continuing. Heavy machinery and materials are being delivered.

The floor slab is in place. Now the concrete has to harden.

The concrete is delivered as ready-mixed concrete and poured into the formwork. Vibrators or other compaction equipment compact the mixture to remove air pockets and ensure a tight, solid structure.

Steel reinforcements are placed in the formwork to strengthen the floor slab and prevent cracks.

We start with the foundation for the new building; set up formwork to keep the concrete in shape.

Planning and approval include drawing up construction plans and obtaining the necessary permits. This is followed by a subsoil investigation, in which the soil conditions are analyzed to ensure the load-bearing capacity. This is followed by earthworks, which include excavation and preparation of the subsoil.

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